And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
(James 5:15)
Let’s look at two words: faith and believing. They have something to do with healing, because the Bible says, “The prayer of faith shall save the sick.” The word “faith” is a noun.

The word “believe” is a verb. It’s an active verb. And that’s what we’ve been talking about—believing God and acting on the Word

Just as you act on the word of a physician or the word of a lawyer or the word of a loved one, you are to act on the Word of God. If you have the word of your mother for something, you don’t ask yourself the question, “Do I believe what she said?” Or, “Do I have faith in her word?” You just simply say, “That’s what Mama said. And that’s it.”

If you are a child of God, it took faith to get in the family of God. But you’re in the family now, and all that God has is yours. It’s not a matter of having faith. It’s a matter of finding out what is yours and then acting on it.

Don’t ask yourself the question, “Do I believe?” or “Do I have faith?” You just simply say, “That’s what God said,” and then act accordingly.

Didn’t God say that by Jesus’ stripes you were healed? Yes! And since God said it, then you must be healed. Act on what God has spoken.

Confession: If I am a Christian, I don’t have to try and get faith. I already have faith. I simply act on what God says in His Word. I believe that by Jesus’ stripes, I am healed and made whole